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Start Localization

A full working example app is available for iOS and android. Run the MapActivity to see Nextome Sdk in action. It also contains a seamless outdoor/indoor map integration using OpenStreetMap for outdoor and Nextome Flutter Map for indoor.

Start localization

To start localization, call:


Background Mode

On Android, Nextome can also keep track of user indoor position while the phone screen is off or the app is in background. For more info, explore the corresponding section here.


Stop localization

When you've done, stop the localization by calling:


Observe SDK status

It's possible to observe the current state the Nextome SDK.

You can use this data to start initializing the map or showing messages to the users and update your UI accordingly.

val state: Flow<NextomeSdkState> = nextomeSdk.getStateObservable()
state.asLiveData().observe(this){state -> 

let observer = nextomeSdk.getStateObservable().watch {state in



When you are no longer interested in observing the events, you must detach your listener so that your event callbacks stop getting called.


Nextome SDK State

NextomeSdkState is a simple state machine that can have different states:

State Flows

Nextome SDK State


Nextome SDK has been initialized but there is no active localization service running.


Nextome has been correctly initialized and started, it's ready to scan beacons;

Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be true in this state
Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be true in this state


Nextome is currently scanning nearby beacons to determine in which venue the user is; If the SDK is stuck here, you're probably outdoor.

Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be true in this state
Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be true in this state


Nextome knows the venue of the user and it's downloading from the server the associated resources (Maps, POIs, Patches...);

Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be false in this state
venueId: Int The venueId of the venue found
Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be false in this state
venueId: Int32 The venueId of the venue found


All the venue resources have been downloaded. Nextome is now computing in which floor the user is;

Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be false in this state
venueId: Int The venueId of the venue found
venueData: NextomeVenueData Contains all the resources (beacons, pois, maps, events, path and settings) for a specific venue.
Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be false in this state
venueId: Int The venueId of the venue found
venueData: NextomeVenueData Contains all the resources (beacons, pois, maps, events, path and settings) for a specific venue.


Nextome SDK is computing user positions. You can observe live user location using the observer nextomeSdk.locationLiveData;

Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be false in this state
venueId: Int The venueId of the venue found
venueData: NextomeVenueData Contains all the resources(beacons, pois, maps, events, path and settings) for a specific venue.
mapId: Int Id of the map (floor) in which the user was localized
tileZipPath: String The local path of the zip file which contains the tiles for the current map
mapHeight: Int The height in pixel of the map
mapWidth: Int The width in pixel of the map
Property Description
isOutdoor: Bool Will always be false in this state
venueId: Int32 The venueId of the venue found
venueData: NextomeVenueData Contains all the resources(beacons, pois, maps, events, path and settings) for a specific venue.
mapId: Int32 Id of the map (floor) in which the user was localized
tileZipPath: String The local path of the zip file which contains the tiles for the current map
mapHeight: Int32 The height in pixel of the map
mapWidth: Int32 The width in pixel of the map

It is possible to use tileZipPath, mapHeight and mapWidth to show the user a live map of the current floor. See more on Nextome Map integration docs.


  • If the user changes floor, the SDK will resume from FIND_FLOOR state.
  • If the user goes outdoor, the SDK will switch to SEARCH_VENUE state until a new indoor beacon is detected.

Complete example

Example: getStateObservable()
nextomeSdk.getStateObservable().collect { state ->
        when (state) {
            is IdleState -> {
                updateState("Sdk is Idle")
            is StartedState -> {
                updateState("Sdk Started")

            is SearchVenueState -> {
                updateState("Searching Venue...")

            is GetPacketState -> {
                updateState("Downloading venue ${state.venueId}...")

            is FindFloorState -> {
                updateState("Finding current Floor on venue ${state.venueId}...")

            is LocalizationRunningState -> {
                updateState("Showing map of floor ${state.mapId}...")
                poiList = state.venuePackage.allPois

            is ErrorState -> {

Example: getStateObservable()
    let watcher = nextomeSdk.getStateObservable().watch(){state in
        guard let state = state else {return }

        if state is IdleState{

            self.updateState(value: "Sdk is in Idle")

        }else if state is StartedState{

            self.updateState(value: "Sdk is Started")

        }else if state is SearchVenueState{

            self.updateState(value: "Sdk is searching for a venue")

        }else if let getPacketState = state as? GetPacketState{

            self.updateState(value: "Downloading venue \(getPacketState.venueId)...")

        }else if let findFloorState = state as? FindFloorState{

            self.updateState(value: "Finding current Floor on venue \(findFloorState.venueId)...")

        }else if let runningState = state as? LocalizationRunningState{


            var mapPois = runningState.venuePackage.getPoisByMapId(mapId: runningState.mapId)

            var allPois = runningState.venuePackage.allPois



Observe the user position

Nextome SDK offers an observable to listen to user position updates:

nextomeSdk.getLocalizationObservable().collect { 
   log("Localized at (${it.x}, ${it.y}), on venue ${it.venueId} on map ${it.mapId})") 
let observer = nextomeSdk.getLocalizationObservable().watch() {position in
            guard let position = position else {return}
            print("Got indoor position \(position.label ?? "-") (\(position.x), \(position.y), on map \(position.mapId) in venue \(position.venueId)")


When you are no longer interested in observing the events, you must detach your listener so that your event callbacks stop getting called.



Property Description
x: Double The x coordinates of the computed position.
y: Double The y coordinates of the computed position.
venueId: Int The venueId of the venue found.
mapId: Int The mapId (floor) of the computed position.
label: String? A label associated with the position (see label in additional features).
Property Description
x: Double The x coordinates of the computed position.
y: Double The y coordinates of the computed position.
venueId: Int32 The venueId of the venue found.
mapId: Int32 The mapId (floor) of the computed position.
label: String? A label associated with the position (see label in additional features).

Observe errors

Nextome SDK uses different types of exceptions to report errors:

Exception Type Description
GenericException A generic error happened. The SDK will continue to work normally.
InvalidCredentialException Nextome SDK was started with invalid credentials. Create a new instance of Nextome SDK with valid credentials and try again.
Critical Exception Nextome encountered a critical exception. It is necessary to start a new session to start localization again.

It is possible to observe errors using getErrorsObservable():

nextomeSdk.getErrorsObservable().collect { error ->
    Log.e(TAG, "New error received: ${error.message}")

    when (error) {
        is GenericException -> {
            showMessageEvent(message = error.message)

        is InvalidCredentialException -> {

        is CriticalException -> {
            showMessageEvent(message = error.message)
            // Need to restart sdk
let errorWatcher = nextomeSdk.getErrorsObservable().watch(block: {error in
    guard let error = error else{
    if error is InvalidCredentialException{
    }else if error is CriticalException{
        self.showMessageEvent(message: error.message)
        //Need to restart sdk
    }else if error is GenericException {
        self.showMessageEvent(message: error.message)

Next steps


A full working example app is available on iOS and android. Run the MapActivity to see Nextome Sdk in action. It also contains a seamless outdoor/indoor map integration using OpenStreetMap for outdoor and Nextome Flutter Map for indoor.

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