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Initialize the NextomeMapView Component


If you are working with Android first add this on your activity.xml file

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Jetpack Compose is not supported. If your goal is to use Nextome Map View inside a Jetpack Compose application, you need to use Views inside Compose. Follow this to learn more abount that.

// Declare the NextomeMapViewHandler
// You can declare it at start of your MainActivity scope
val mapview: NextomeMapViewHandler = NextomeMapViewHandler()


// Initialize the mapview handler
    fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager,
    viewId =, 

// Create the first tile
var tile: NMTile = NMTile() = true = "Tile1" = "1234"
tile.source = "PATH TO THE .ZIP"

// Set the resource to show on map
mapview.setResources(tiles = listOf(tile), zoom = 1, width = 2000, height = 1000)
    // Import the module
    import NextomeMapView

    // Call initialize() inside application(_, didFinishiLaunchingWithOptions) of your AppDelegate 

    // Call method below in viewDidLoad of your UIViewController
    var vc = NextomeMapViewHandler.instance.initializeFlutterViewController()
    self.present(vc, animated: true)

    // Create the tile to show
    var tile: NMTile = NMTile(name: "Tile1", id: "1234", source: "PATH TO THE .ZIP")

    // Set the resource to show on map
    NextomeMapViewHandler.instance.setResources(tiles: [tile], zoom: 1, width: 2000, height: 1000)


The Tile declaration and the call of setResources method is mandatory to load and show elements on MapView. Without a background resource like a Tile, the map can't be fully initialized.

You can define multiple tiles map and pass them into a list int setResources method.

We discourage setResources after the map has built becouse the plugin need to elaborate the zip file, so if you can, pass all you need tiles once at when you start to use the MapView.

To avoid strange behaviour, the different tiles need to have same width and height.