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The Tile is the background component used to show the map.
The tile declaration is mandatory to get MapView initialized.
Can be possibile managed the tile behaviour like visibility but can't be possibile to add a new tile or remove an existing tile. The only way is re-assign the whole resources like the initialization phase.

The map graphics will be imported as zip file where the tiles images and folder need to be structured usind Deep Zoom criteria and need to match the pattern /{z}/{x}/{y} where
- {x}: x axis coordinate
- {y}: y axis coordinate
- {z}: zoom level

Class description

The NMTile class is described below

Property Description Default
name: String? The name assigned the to tile null
id: String? The identification assigned to the tile null
source: String? The source path of the zip null
zindex: Int The sorting rendering index 0
visible: Bool Set if the tile is visible or not true
Property Description Default
name: String? The name assigned to the tile nil
id: String? The identification assigned to the tile nil
source: String? The source path of the zip nil
zindex: Int The sorting rendering index 0
visible: Bool Set if the tile is visible or not true

Create and set Tile

var tile: NMTile = NMTile() = true = "Tile1" = "2314"
tile.source = "PATH TO ZIP FILE"

mapview.setResources(tiles = listOf(tile), zoom = 1, width = 2000, height = 1000)
var tile: NMTile = NMTile(
    name: "Tile1", 
    id: "1234", 
    source:  "PATH TO ZIP FILE")

NextomeMapViewHandler.instance.setResources(tiles: [tile], zoom: 1, width: 2000, height: 1000)

Show/hide an existing Tile

mapview.setTileVisibility(tileId: String, show: Boolean)
NextomeMapViewHandler.instance.setTileVisibility(tileId: String, show: Bool)